In the last couple of years I've become a watch lover.  I've  been searching for vintage watches at local flea markets and on ebay. I like everything from divers to classic dress watches. 
I've  been thinking to design a watch for a long time now, and few days ago i finally started with this challenge. It is more a design exercise than a real project but till now i can say it was fun and really interesting. To work in such small scale and with all the details. When you start to think in millimeter decimals and a centimeter becomes a huge distance...
There are few renders of my designs. Some of them are inspired by vintage military and pilot watches, others are more like the iconic Submariner and the Fifty Fatoms.
The name MATTIS is my idea for a watch brand. Also the name HELIOMATIC is my idea and it is inspired by the Citizen Eco Drive movement.  
Watch concept collection

Watch concept collection
