Sachin Dixit's profile

Sunderbans, the biggest mangrove forests in the world

This is how you get off the boat
Eco-village on an island in the mangroves
A huge duck walking around the 'dining floor'
The Dining Floor
Is this the study table?
Our cottage 
The old world charm of a Handboat
A couple enjoys boating under full moon
Get off the boat and venture into the woods
These banks wanting to take your feet deep into them
A live horseshoe crab 
Fishermen planting their net early in the morning
Flight to where there is more food
Totally unperturbed by the flapping of wings behind her
High tide means trees immersed in Saline water..Surely, mangroves are the most adjusting trees.
As white as it gets
A fresh waterhole made for animals translocated from out of the mangroves
The newly translocated animals are made to lick salt water here at first
So white that even the muddy waters produce reflection
To infinity and beyond
What would these creatures not do to eat fresh leaves rather then salty grass!
A glorious sunset over the watery bylanes
Immediately comes out the most red moon I have ever seen
Sunderbans, the biggest mangrove forests in the world

Sunderbans, the biggest mangrove forests in the world

The Sunderbans in India have 94 islands, only 48 of which are inhabited by humans. Rest are dominated by the Wild
