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School Book Covers for Children - Colégio do Salvador

Primeiros esboços conceituais para os livros didáticos do ensino infantil do Colégio do Salvador, em Aracaju, Sergipe.

First conceptual sketches for the paradidate books of preschool teaching at the Colégio do Salvador, in Aracaju, Sergipe.
Os traços vetoriais foram realizados no Illustrator e a pintura digital foi feita no Photoshop com pincéis aquarela.

Vector lines were done in Illustrator and digital painting was done in Photoshop with watercolor brushes.​​​​​​​
Os 20 livros foram editados no ano de 2015. O conteúdo textual ficou a cargo do corpo docente do colégio e o projeto gráfico do miolo ficou a cargo dos designers Glauber Jatobá e André Hylling.

The 20 books were published in the year 2015. The textual content was built by the professors of the college and the graphic design of the core of the book was made by the designers Glauber Jatobá and André Hylling.
School Book Covers for Children - Colégio do Salvador


School Book Covers for Children - Colégio do Salvador

Illustrations for children's book covers.
