8 secrets
A project by Jean-Sébastien Monzani
8 secrets is an attempt to reinterpret something secret and meaningful for a specific person.
Four persons were asked to provide two words: the only clue we had was that one word represents something that the person enjoys while the other one summarizes one of his/her inner fears.

The resulting 8 words were arbitrarily categorized as “positive” or “negative” by the dancers who in turn reinterpreted them.

This projects underlines how something that is truly uniquely important for someone can become the preeminent theme of an artistic work while conserving its inner secret. The ambiguity of interpretation, as well as the unknown matching between “positive” and “negative” themes leave some space for the imagination of the viewer as well.

More information on www.simplemoment.com.

8 secrets

8 secrets

8 secrets is an attempt to reinterpret something secret and meaningful for a specific person. Four persons were asked to provide two words: the Read More
