SEED-FLOWER☺ is the opposite of all the flower services around the web.  
The idea is to regain the joy of walking around a garden, spotting different species, discovering which flowers speak to your heart in that precise moment. There are no ready- made bouquets with add-ons of Teddy Bears or chocolate boxes. The brand invites you to come in person to a real garden in a real place. What you get is the benefit of spending a moment in a sanctuary and taking with you the seeds to grow your own flowers. What SEED-FLOWER☺ offer is a love growth process through caring some very special seeds.
They focus on the minimalistic aspect of the business and uses a lot of white space to let the words and graphic elements breath, as you would on the garden. It uses vegetal textile fiber material for the packing which gives a natural & rustic aspect but at the same the time usage of typography and white spaces gives to the brand a contemporary look & feel. It translates the need that urban youth display of having a break around nature and to cultivate something organic.

NY 2019                                                                                                                                                                            Concept : Branding : Visual ID : Packaging : Art Direction : Web


Project Made For

