web development - 2005
UNIK, my custom content management system, has been in use ever since 2005. Around that time clients came aware of the possibility to manage the sites themselves, so during 2004 I set out to develop my own solution.

Flexibility was key, so different kinds of websites could be developed on this platform. Custom content types could easily be implemented based on the client needs, and a suitable site structure could be developed as a tree of content.

One of its strong points is the ability to move items around in the site structure, organizing objects into folders. Clients are not only able to reorder items exactly as they prefer, they can also establish relationships between them. In addition, UNIK provides advanced image transformation and text-to-image capabilities to allow for great design freedom.

Besides these powerful options, another reason to develop such a system myself was to provide internationalization (i18N) and translation abilities, something of great importance here in Europe.

It has been able to withstand the test of time remarkably well, still powering a number of websites in my portfolio, like
www.mauricementjens.com, as can be seen below.

That said, in recent years I implemented solutions based on current technologies, like Ruby frameworks, which are conceptually similar and provide a more dynamic development model.
technology UNIK was developed on top of the ismo-core PHP framework; being fully OOP based, and strictly following the MVC paradigm, it provided a solid base for the years to come. Now that more recent developments like Ruby on Rails have popularized these ideas into the mainstream, it actually underlines the importance of the decisions I made back in 2004.

Also, by embracing the emerging css standard at that time, the system still has its place today.


UNIK content management solution.



Creative Fields