Giggle Up
A social game design for contagious laughter.
Needless to say laughter is a contagious action that is uplifting, healing and hard to stop once started. Designed by Berk Ilhan, Giggle Up is a performative design experience, that playfully get people -even strangers- laugh together with the turn of a simple switch. 

Giggle Up consists of four elements
1- Frames that have ON/OFF toggle switches and a single LED light to indicate if the frame is ON or OFF.
2- Performers who animatedly start and stop laughing correlated to the toggle switch.
3- Participants who turn the switches on to see what’s going to happen with performers(It’s a surprise)
4- “Push” stickers that are given away afterwards, so that participants can mimic the function of the frame with their loved ones. 

Performers on March 28, 2015 are Adam Fujita, Roya Remazani, Berk Ilhan.
Performers on January 21, 2017 are Patch Adams, Sonya, Aysu Unal, Berk Ilhan.

Giggle Up

Giggle Up

Giggle Up is a performative design experience, that playfully get people -even strangers- to laugh together with the turn of a simple switch.
