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Genova Città Metropolitana | city branding

Genova Città Metropolitana
city branding

The metropolitan city of Genoa is divided into nine districts and includes sixty-seven municipalities. The request is to design a rebranding that can stimulate the spirit of belonging to this varied reality, unifying its different areas into an immediately recognisable whole.

Our idea has its foundation on respect for the identities of the individual municipalities, and considers the territorial expansion of the districts, emphasizing even the more peripheral realities.
We hope that from the vision of the logo people can immediately understand that the Metropolitan City of Genoa is not only an institution, but the combination of many places and their history.

keywords: identity, inclusion, extension, plurality

This project was developed during the third year of the degree course in Design for Product and Communication at the University of Genoa.
Laboratorio tematico di grafica per il prodotto - A.A. 2018/2019 - prof.ssa Falcidieno & prof. Bardola
Genova Città Metropolitana | city branding

Genova Città Metropolitana | city branding

Proposal for the competition "Genova Città Metropolitana", organized by the municipality to start a citybranding work. Creation of a logo with di Read More
