IREN Acquedotto Storico Genovese | layout

IREN Acquedotto Storico Genovese
layout proposal for information panels
For the renovation of the Genoese Historical Aqueduct, IREN has launched a competition dedicated to schools of all levels for the creation of information panels and other communication solutions to beautify the route.
As University of Genoa, we were asked to develop a solution for the realization of the information panels that will be mounted on the southern part of the path. The panels will be divided into three thematic categories: general information, water and history.
Since the section of the path affected by our intervention is often visited by school groups, in order to create a direct relationship between visitors and place, we decided to create a mascot that will tell in first person some curiosities about the aqueduct or the history that revolves around it. His name will be chosen by school groups participating in the initiative organized for children.

This project was developed during the third year of the degree course in Design for Product and Communication at the University of Genoa.
Laboratorio tematico di grafica per il prodotto - A.A. 2018/2019 - prof.ssa Falcidieno & prof. Bardola
IREN Acquedotto Storico Genovese | layout

IREN Acquedotto Storico Genovese | layout

Information panels for the tourist route of the Genoese Historical Aqueduct. Layout proposal for IREN Liguria.
