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Dropshipping Success With Vova Tess

Dropshipping Success With Vova Tess
I had the pleasure of interviewing Vova Tess. He's seen success at a young age. In high school Vova started to notice that he was always satisfied and comfortable with where he was because he had been comparing himself to the people around him. He said that when you’re in high school everyone is basically the same: average. So the only people he was around and compared himself to were average people. In result, he was going to be average as well. When he started to surround himself with like-minded people through mentorship, books, courses, podcasts, and talking to people that are actually successful in e-commerce that’s when his success started. Here's how the conversation went.

The Start of Dropshipping 

Vova first started by watching YouTube videos of people hitting crazy numbers on Shopify. They were hitting anywhere from 1k-5k a day and he thought that was impossible at the time. Now his record high on Shopify is 25k in a single day. In the first six months of starting his own Shopify store he didn’t make any money. He was working as a lifeguard and put all the money he made from that into his Shopify business. Vova wasn’t successful at first. He to keep testing products after products until he found the right one. Most people don’t continue testing out new products and give up to early. Even though he lost his first few hundred bucks he kept at it because he knew it was possible.​​​​​​​

What are three things you wish someone told you when you first started?

1. Expect to fail: I wish someone told me that I should expect to fail and before things got good they would first get really bad. This isn’t “get rich quick” it’s a business and should be treated like one, it takes time, effort, money, and sacrifice.

2. Invest into a mentor: Also I wish someone told me to invest in a mentor at the start because that would’ve saved me a lot of time and a lot of money doing trial and error and figuring out what works and what doesn’t but a mentor could tell you that right away and instead of wasting countless hours and thousands of dollars my journey could’ve been expedited if I invested in a mentor right away and not 6 months down the line.

3. It’s not as easy as they say: I wish I could’ve been told that it’s not as easy as all those “gurus” make it out to be just so you can by their course. It takes time, effort and just like any other business you need patience and just like any other business frustration comes with it too.

Important Advice For Entrepreneurs

Vova: The most important thing to do is to invest in a mentor or a coach or someone that has been through the mistakes you want to avoid. Why go through the same mistakes when a mentor could just guide you through them so that you can skip the learning curve.

Focus on Building A Personal Brand

Vova: Building a personal brand was the best thing I ever did. It allowed me to network with like- minded individuals as well as help other people make money through dropshipping by exposing myself and making myself known.

What’s the best way for our readers to find you?

People can find me on Instagram Dm @vova_tess
Dropshipping Success With Vova Tess

Dropshipping Success With Vova Tess


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