"How You Do Anything Is How You Do Everything." - Monti Washington
Meet Monti Washington also known as Montivation

Monti Washington isn’t your average motivational speaker. His presentations about real life experiences he’s had leaves students feeling confident in themselves and inspired to live out the best version of their lives. Sometimes speakers come in and just lose your attention, but not Monti Washington. He’s able to keep students fully engaged with his humor and ability to use his experience to relate to his audience. Leaving them with knowledge, skills and motivation needed to be successful both in the classroom and outside of it. As a TOP Motivational Speaker, Monti has been recognized as “Americas Adversity Coach” He comes in and shows students how they can achieve, overcome, and turn obstacles on campus into real life success. 

What’s your back story?

Monti Washington: I grew up a product of a one-night stand in a hotel room.  My mother was a prostitute and a drug addict. I never met my dad and spent most my childhood sleeping in homeless shelters, parks, and crack houses. Eventually I was taken away from my mother and put into 12 different foster homes over the course of 3 years. I then was put into foster homes where I was beaten, hospitalized, and locked in a room for nearly 23 hours a day. Eventually I got out of that situation and was put into a better home, but that experience left me without any confidence and stuck in special ed classes until 8thgrade. I eventually worked my butt off graduated high school with honors and went on to graduate college with two degrees. After college I moved to LA where I have been living since pursuing my acting career and building my Speaker/Coaching business.

Which people inspire you the most and why?

Monti Washington: Greatness inspires me! Anyone who is great at what they do inspires the hell out of me! Kobe Bryant, Adelle, Jay Z, Gary Vee, Misty Copeland, Tom Brady, Hugh Jackman, Viola Davis, Myrl strepp, you get the point! Greatness is a hard choice to make. To decide to sacrifice, fail, and take on all the criticism that comes along with greatness is brave. To many choose mediocrity instead because its easier.

What makes your work stand out?

Monti Washington: The honesty and passion I have helps me stand out. My acting background, poetry background, and rough up bringing sleeping in parks all comes through when I present. I always give every ounce of passion and transparency every keynote, performance, or presentation. I love what I do and know you have to give all of yourself to make people truly feel you.

What are your success habits?

1. Know you’re the shit and act with supreme confidence in all that you do. 

2. Stay hungry and humble. I never take any opportunity given for granted.

3. How you do anything is how you do everything. I make sure to go hard in whatever I do or I won’t do it at all. Greatness is not an act but a habit!
Where can we follow you? 

YouTube: @Montivation
Instagram: @Montivation
Facebook: @Montivation
Monti Washington

Monti Washington


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