This was a competition brief set by the local Creative Coop, 15 Queen Street. This was the chance to win a mentor in local area of Colchester. I didn't really know what to do for this brief, so I decided to have a bit of fun with the cardboard 3D letters that I make.The process to make these letters is on my blog Using recycled cardboard collected over period of time, I constructed the letters with a scalpel and hot glue gun. 
I complied images that represents me ranging from packaging labels to holidays photos. I also scanned in objects to produce abstract shapes, so I could constrct a collage of images all over the letters. I used PVA glue to cover the images once stuck down. 
The final 'Hello' in front of The Shed. The reason for constructing Hello was to break the ice when we met with the Designers at 15 Queen street. I thought it would be a good idea to have a talking point than talk about myself. It seemed to go down well with the designers that I met at the event. 
Here is the 'Hello' wall piece in my Shed. I was fortunate enough to get a mentor which is really good as i've got a professional to look over my work and tell me where I can push and improve my design skills. 
Mentor Me

Mentor Me

Colchester 15 Queen Street Mentor Me scheme.
