This vibrant collection is inspired from the art forms of Kerala,which are known as Kathakali and Theyam. These art forms were a part of Kerala from a very long period of time. The artists performing the act decorates themselves with heavy colourfull costumes and brightly painted faces and beautiful vibrant head gears.This print collection brings out designs inspired from these art forms through mix media artworks.
the art work is a simple combination of pen drawn kathakali masks and geometric colour blocking through photoshop to create a simple yet effective layout
 kathakali masks with distress look created through water colour resist technique, is worked in Photoshop to create a packed layout with colour blocking at the background
art works of theyam rendered with dry pastels and placed on a black background in Photoshop giving a stark contrast layout
theyam inspired art, worked in colour pencil and made into a rhythemic layout in photoshop with colour blocking
theyam face masks rendered in colour pens and pencil has been colour blocked dramtically through Photoshop and placed on a dark background
a kathakali mask made from collaging inspirationation images of kathakali and theyam placed on a black background in Photoshop creating beautiful and simple layout 
the dramatic half kathakali faces has been placed in Photoshop with the colour blocking of the primary colours of the art form itself and giving a tinge of detailed pen drawings in different areas.


textile print design inspired from kerala's art forms like theyam and kathakali


Creative Fields