Vânia Teixeira's profile

Kinectic Typography

Numa primeira experiência em After Effects, foi escolhida uma música para a elaboração de uma composição tipográfica. A escolha recaiu em "Empire State of Mind" da artista Alicia Keys. Remontando a todo o ambiente citadino de Nova Iorque representado na música foram criadas animações usando colagens que tentassem recriar esse ambiente, acompanhado a tipografia, Riesling, que remonta claramente à Broadway.
 In a first experiment in After Affects, was chosen a music for the preparation of a typesetting. The choise fell on "Empire State of Mind" by the artist Alicia Keys. Dating back to the whole environment of New York City represented in the music were created animations using collages who tried to recreate this environment, accompanying the typography, Riesling, which crearly goes back to Broadway.
Kinectic Typography

Kinectic Typography

Kinectic Typography staring Alicia Keys-"Empire State of Mind".
