Colin Bright's profile

"Alexandra" Digital Portrait Summer 2010 [Senior]

Painted Digital Portrait: "Alexandra"
I have always had an interest in digital painting. I'm sloppy with traditional mediums, but have picked up its digital counterpart to a degree. This is Alexandra, my lovely girlfriend, featured in an earlier work. I thought she was perfect for painting (because of the pressure to want to do well on a gift for your significant other) as well as being a beautiful girl.

She loves cooking and cupcakes and the design firm "Johnny Cupcakes" and so I did a parody of their logo in the background with the crossbones replaced with a spoon and wisk, as well as the heart in the cupcake. Hopefully people realize the similarity was entirely intentional and not malicious.

For my first full-fledged attempt, I think this piece turned out nicely. I am not an illustrator or enrolled in any of the illustration classes at my school. The only drawing and painting training I've received were some classes in grade school and a figure, drawing, and color classes freshman year.
"Alexandra" Digital Portrait Summer 2010 [Senior]

"Alexandra" Digital Portrait Summer 2010 [Senior]

A painted digital portrait of a beautiful girl and person.
