Block your creative block with unBLOK

is awful.

You stare at an empty piece of paper, nothing comes to mind, the same lame ideas keep bouncing around your head and there's no end in sight. Everyone is familiar with the frustrating feeling of staying on the road that leads nowhere. You won't overcome a creative block by banging your head against a wall only creativity can spark creativity. And that's what unBLOK is for. 

Among these pages you will find exercises that are intended to interrupt your everyday mental routines. Unexpected assignments will encourage a creative process a process much more important than the end results. No matter if you're doing them during a break, a night before a deadline or during an endless meeting  you should forget about limitations, self-control, self-censorship, shame, comparison or any other well-known enemies of creativity. The only person you should be trying to impress is  yourself! Don't worry, there are no correct answers. While contemplating possible solutions you will confront your limitations, both real and self-imposed, and discover your creative potential. And that's how your creative block will be  blocked.

We are dying to see what you guys came up with!

Tear out the papers with exercises, put them in an envelope and send your creative solutions to Señor: Kumičićeva 10, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia before November 1st. At the end of the year we will organise an exhibition showcasing all the work.

Don't worry, your work won't be graded or criticised. We are profoundly interested in examining how one assignment can generate many different ideas and eager to prove how one question can have countless answers. The variety of answers is exactly what will open new perspectives, new approaches and serve as a source of inspiration.

Do you really, really like unBLOK?

You can buy it at Kino Europa in Zagreb, Croatia or write to and order English version there. Muchas gracias! ;) 

Block your creative block with unBLOK

Project Made For

Block your creative block with unBLOK

We know how frustrating it can be to stare at a blank page so we thought of something that will help you get over that obstacle. Check out unBLOK Read More
