Coexistence is a state of being together in a space. A good design is characterized by the fact that form and function always co-exists. One is followed by the other. In Louis Sullivan’s  words, ‘ Form follows function.’

   The principle says that the shape or ‘form’ of object should be majorly based upon its intended ‘function’ or purpose. Where function does not change, form does not change. Things  organic and inorganic  or things physical and metaphysical,  it is the law that ‘form ever follows function.’

   In this poster, the same principle has been represented - ‘Co-existence of form and function in design.’ The two solid F’s in the poster that merges into one solid form is the manifestation of the fact that form and function is correlative. Not only is it shown that they are two sides of the same coin, but also are they interwoven, representing the fact that form and function go together.




Creative Fields