Amber Lanese's profile

Social Media Profiles

Social Media Profiles

Creative Brief: Create three individual Social Media Profiles for the three different factions in UC that have Social Media Profiles, yet make them look cohesive, as if they all belong and run under UC. 

Artist's Statement: Through brand standards, and ideating what icons make up each faction, I created profiles that seemed to unite yet divide the three factions into what they are. I fist asked myself who each of these factions were? With Mainstreet I sought the shapes of the brick pavement that is Mainstreet, while with the Bookstore I looked to branded elements of the Bookstore that I skewed (within brand standards) in order to create a unity with Mainstreet. For the Rec Center, I sought the anatomy of the the Center's building. I took the most prominent element of that building, which is a heartbeat contour line that seems to follow the sharp edge of it, and I created a pattern that was both sporty and intriguing. Through opacity, brand colors, and repetition, I was able to unite all 3 profiles together. 
Social Media Profiles