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China 4A Award "Who is the game changer" Call-for-entry

China 4A Award 2016 Call-for-entry "Who is the game changer?"
The topic of artificial Intelligence (AI) intruding creative industry had been discussed and taken serious lately. We created a call-for-entry campaign for China 4A Award, posing a challenge "Who is the game changer?"  initiated by AI, which simulates the experience of talking and interacting to an AI persona, through pre-set dialogue that tell unique "inside" stories about top ad agencies in China.   
The 3D AI character model is rendered with WebGL technology in real time. Viewers can also uncover the track records of a particular agency over the five years by calling its name. The mini-site is designed to be viewed inside Wechat, but can be visited from mobile/desktop browsers.
Call-for-entry key visual: Who is the game changer? 给颠覆者的回复
Customized poster : AI is the game changer
Customized poster : Lowe is the game changer
Customized poster : JWT is the game changer
Customized poster : Ogilvy is the game changer
Customized poster : Civilization is the game changer
Customized poster : DDB is the game changer
The campaign consists of a mini-site, a series of 3D AI character model program-generated posters and outdoor advertising, featuring 20+ top ad agencies of China.

Concept / Copywriting: Amber Shanghai 
Design / Development: pill&pillow
Music: tony&oni@sync music
China 4A Award "Who is the game changer" Call-for-entry

China 4A Award "Who is the game changer" Call-for-entry
