Food Origin App
MA Final Year Project
Food Origin is an independent ethical shopping app that enables the user to scan the barcode of a product to get information on 5 different categories. These categories (People / Animal Welfare / Crop Farming / Environment / Additives) contain an overview of how the product is rated by being highlighted in green, orange or red. Whilst shopping the user is easily supported in making ethical correct choices. When scanning products at home the user can gain more insight into how and why a product is rated in a certain way and also take direct action through the app. Not only did we want to provide information but let the user be able to become active by getting in touch with people behind the product and taking action if they did not agree with certain things. 

During this team project of 6 weeks I was in charge of the user research, conducting interviews, leading the user testings, analyzing these and communicating especially with the interface designer and user experience designer to create the best possible experience for our users. 
Narrowing it down
First Idea Sketching
First User research/ Interviews
Evaluating User research
Incorporating User research
Working on the screens for different tasks
Identifying Personas
Secondary User research / Interviews
Improving Screens / Interaction
Paper Prototyping / User testing
Designing Screens
Development / Implementation
Digital Prototype / Basic functions implemented
Food Origin

Food Origin

Independent Ethical Shopping App to gain better and quick insight into the products we buy
