Create a content campaign for Fur for Animals that will change the minds of people buying or wearing real fur. 

Before a film, documentary or TV episode that uses real fur, a message would appear containing how many animals had died for the fur garment(s) to be created. The message would replicate a fashion advert, employing a conversational, factual tone of voice allowing the viewer to deduce if there is anything wrong for themselves. 

The platforms for this campaign would include Amazon Prime Video, Neflix, BBC, All 4, YouTube trailers and cinema adverts. The message would be endorsed by these platforms as it would be helping to stop the unnecessary slaughter of animals (good publicity). The message would not be gruesome or overly shocking as it is intended to nudge rather than to shock the audience into thinking about the issue. 

This is a new way of influencing those who have bought or are considering buying fur garments. The approach is made more effective as it catches an audience off guard and in the comfort of their own home.
Fur for Animals

Fur for Animals
