Painting set 01 (till 2016)
Title: Found Peace
Material: Acrylic on Hardboard
Size: 80 x 60cm
Description: When an individual finds himself, finds his soul, he finds his happiness...

Title: the Singer
Material: Acrylic on Hardboard
Size: 80 x 60cm
Description: The moment when one is deep in singing of a song and he or she starts getting emotional.
Title: Perspectives
Material: Acrylic on Hardboard
Size: 60 x 80cm
Description: A loose base of 3D forms. Playing with colors and shapes.
Title: Too Many Masks
Material: Acrylic on Hardboard
Size: 80 x 60cm
Description: Sometimes we act out of the ordinary to occur "normal". When this happens too often we can loose ourselves...
Title: The Heart is a Jungle
Material: Acrylic on Hardboard
Size: 90 x 70cm
Description: The heart can be like a undiscovered part of a jungle. There may be hidden treasures waiting to see the light.
Title: Hand of God
Material: Acrylic on Hardboard
Size: 80 x 60cm
Description: I heard a description of the power of God, it went something like: He can fit a camel through the eye of needle without shrinking the camel or increasing the size of the eye of the needle.
My version is an example where He can get the cube through the hole without changing the elements.  
Title: Much Noise
Material: Acrylic on Hardboard
Size: 70 x 50cm
Description: A character that cancels the surrounding noise
Title: Support
Material: Acrylic on Hardboard
Size: 80 x 60cm
Description: When your feeling upside down. There is always the support that catches your tears for you.
Title: Untitled
Material: Acrylic on Hardboard
Size: 70 x 50cm
Description: Even after death wisdom still fights against evil.
Painting Set 01

Painting Set 01

A collection of my paintings I did till the end of 2016


Creative Fields