How many links you will manage before falling into error and lose everything? How long you will need before learning from your mistakes? Find out with this simple and intriguing puzzle game by VSURE studio.
ALLONE is a puzzle game designed and created by VSURE Studio during a 48 hours game jam in the event GameRome 2016, IndieRome section.
The game was developed around the theme of "Nostalgia", common to the game jam, and declared at the start of the contest.
Personally I have been involved in the game design (original idea and game mechanics), art direction and all the audio-visual appearance of the product. I also realized this trailer that shows the basic gameplay.
Siro Toracchio and Luca Angelini collaborated to programming. Special thanks to Giorgio Pomettini for support.



How many links you will manage before falling into error and lose everything? How long you will need before learning from your mistakes? Find out Read More
