For ten days in May of 2011, Farmville and Lady Gaga partnered up to promote the “Born This Way” album in the most unlikely of ways. GagaVille was created as a destination in FarmVille where users could retrieve crystals, unicorns, and chrome cows for their own farms (just to name a few). By completing outrageous in-game tasks, players were able to stream tracks from Gaga’s latest album before it’s release. While at EVB, we made an amazing mocumentary-style video where real life conservative farmers are transfor med into little monsters, sporting everything from watering-can hats to bedazzled tractors. I also art directed and designed the Youtube homepage, landing page, and billboard. An amazing achievement for the entire team, all done in just three weeks.

Agency: Evolution Bureau
Creative Director: Jim Reed
ECD: Stephen Goldblatt
Art Director: Aaron Feiger
Copywriter: Jean Morrow
Lady Gagaville

Lady Gagaville

For ten days in May of 2011, Farmville and Lady Gaga partnered up to promote the “Born This Way” album in the most unlikely of ways. GagaVille wa Read More
