Label App
Made some UIs for the final project of my team during the coding bootcamp (2014). This was a challenge for both the developers and me, as we learned programming for web, but had to try making a mobile app. The winning idea was conceived by our team mate, Gian, who is passionate about fashion.

The initial idea for Label was to help men find outfit combinations based on what they search for. Say you search for a pair of 'turquoise trousers', the results will show all the images of outfits with turquoise trousers. We discussed the idea further and settled with having a ginormous database of outfits with proper tags, helping users get more accurate results.

Presented here are the three drafts that were made. (Apologies for the noob ux/ui, it was my first time designing for mobile screens when I hardly use any mobile apps.)
First idea was to have a minimalist layout so as not to distract attention from the images.
When we changed the direction of the app, we experimented with the idea of a Google-like landing screen.
(The colours were just for contrast when presented to the team, I know it's quite horrible)
Sorry for the colours again, it just makes it easier to explain during the team discussion.
A draft of the main screen after we scrapped the Google home page idea.


App design for my final project during the CodeDivision web bootcamp.


Creative Fields