On March 25-27, 2016 girls' volleyball took over the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. Under the creative direction of Kit Corral/Press Marketing the event was infused with a playful old school hip hop vibe. An already developed logo paved the way for fun pieces - a signature faux "tagged" wall that the players were able to spray paint live; hip hop mirror clings in the women's rest rooms, vibrant day-glo posters calling out special events, and "mix tape" floor clings with all the key social media addresses.
The ASICS Big South "press wall" started as a simple brick pattern with the logo and spray paint treatment overlaying it. As the teams showed up they were able to tag the wall and take group photos in front of it. Seeing the final wall take shape with real tagging over the original print was fun to say the least. Day-glo posters advertised key events through-out the venue.
Social media is key for this event. In order to spread the word on important addresses, transparent mirror clings put the girls in old school stunners and hats. "Mix tape" floor clings where placed in key areas of the event as a reminder as well.
Big South 2016

Big South 2016
