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Tele2. Open your eyes to the changes.

В Санкт-Петербурге у Tele2 репутация "оператора для бедных". При этом в последние годы оператор много инвестировал в продукт и значительно улучшил качество услуг — по целому ряду параметров.

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Перемены, случившиеся с Tele2 настолько разительны, что способны удивить даже самых флегматичных петербуржцев — гранитные статуи и скульптуры. Что уж говорить об обычных людях.

Tele2 telecom wanted to change how Saint Petersburg citizens' perceived the brand. It was common opinion that Tele2 had mediocre quality of connection and lacked services. But the truth was that the brand had strongly improved its infrastructure. In order to deliver this shocking for citizens news, we leveraged the classic Saint Petes symbols — the I-have-seen-it-all statues. Even them were shocked with Tele2 features and RTBs.  
Headline: Open your eyes to the changes. Strong signal throughout the region.
Headline: Open your eyes to the changes. 4G on all metro stations.

Headline: Open your eyes to the changes. Our mobile Internet is more powerful than you think.
Non-standard: free packaging at the airport, when travelers' luggage becomes a media.
Mechanics: in the central part of the airport we install the sculpture of our griffin (mythical creature) with open jaws. It looks like oracle! Each traveler can put his boarding pass into the mouth of the griffin and get a prediction about what changes are waiting him in the near future. Special sensor is installed inside the mouth of the griffin. It reads information about the direction from the bar code of the boarding pass and, in accordance with the destination, gives predictions in comic form.
Non-standard: Revived SPHINX in the airport.
At the busiest point of the airport we set up a large statue of the sphinx, whose head turns every time when the person passes by the sculpture. The secret is simple: we will use special Tele2 stickers for suitcases with a special chip built in, which activates the movement of the Sphinx's head. As a result, it seems that the Sphinx can not miss the changes of Tele2, each time turning their heads in their direction.
Tele2. Open your eyes to the changes.

Tele2. Open your eyes to the changes.

IDEA: Changes in the quality of Tele2 is so striking, that they surprised even those who can not be surprised.
