What is ANTEVERSE ?? It is the very big brother of CRYO. The reality is that CRYO was made in a hurry because I thought that ANTEVERSE wasn't ready and far too big to be shared. Well, it is not ready as I want because I'm alone and it necessitate a load of work, some times too much. But the thing is that ANTEVERSE is far more advanced and beautiful than CRYO, it is why I share it with you.

The final goal of ANTEVERSE was to make an ArtVision MMORPG but I needed help in avatar animation, coding and network engineering... It was fun.

The ANTEVERSE info center is where you start your journey. Be prepared, you'll need hours to see every things, even if the game is almost empty. You'll have all control infos inside and a map.
This is my temporary gallery, based in Fort McCormick. I'll move it on my island in the north, later.
Sunset over WALDBURG. This district will be praised by German community.
Moonrise near WALDBURG too. The day/night cycle is around 20 minutes (I can control it to be realistic).
Philippe AGUASCA is a painter and a friend. He is happy to be featured and if you are interested by his paintings you can contact him via facebook. If you want to be featured in the next update just contact me.
Interactions are limited on ANTEVERSE. There is a lot but I deactivated most because I'm working on it. But you'll have the minimum to travel and explore the buildings.



ANTEVERSE is a virtual platform to share ART. It is in prototype stage.
