University project for my Master's in Interaction Design at Veritas University, along classmates Manfred Bucher, David Morera and Juan Julio Rojas.
The project bustible is about a wearable that allows users to pay for public transportation with no need to carry cash or credit cards. The wearable uses RFID to connect to a payment machine at the bus.
Users are able to create online profiles to credit their wearables or to be able to charge other's wearables.
Video explaining Bustible's usage
The project had three different deliverables: a website, a mobile app and an electronic mock of the wearable.
Information flow for Bustible
Mobile App 
Here are some screenshots of the final version of the Mobile App:
Previous versions
Website Final version
Electronic mocks
Process of prototypying the electronics.
After several rounds of user testing, we determined that there was a need for a button or another way to confirm the payment. This video is about having a button to avoid accidental payments.
Bustible wearable


Bustible wearable

Bustible is a wearable that allows people to pay for public transportation electronically in a safe, fast and simple way. University project. Bus Read More
