Your Play (2015)

Your Play is a modular playground for children between 3 and 5 years old.

It is composed by six different panels which can be combined together in different ways. Each of these panels refers to a different approach to free play. The modular nature of the product allows to create big playgrounds in big spaces, like kindergartens, as well as small playgrounds in the rooms of private houses.

Design Team: Ruggero Bastita (product design), Giulia Pesce (product design), Anna Borgonovo (graphic design)
The Intimacy panel has a door in it and allows the modular system to be closed by the child, so that he/she can play in tranquillity, in a private playground. 
The Creativity panel aims to stimulate the child’s imagination in an artistic and creative way. Blackboard-painted shapes are velcroed to it and can be used to draw on them, as characters to inven stories and to compose a puzzle.
The Logic panel aims to move the child to play in a logic way, deciding independently which are the logic rules to follow. The velcroed tokens can be matched by the child as he thinks is right, on the base of color or shape criteria.
The Patience panel aims to allow the child to discover the possibility to enjoy through long processes of patient creativity. By turning the two-sides-coloured tokens, the child can compose drawings and patterns or play at simple token games with other children.
The Activity panel aims to allow the child to test his/her physical skills and strength and unload. The child can throw velcro darts to the panel deciding which is the part of it he wants to target.
Your Play

Your Play

Your Play is a modular and flexible playground which explores different approaches to free play.
