Adriano Guarnieri's profile

30th Biennal of São Paulo

In October 2011 I participated to the competition for the identity of the thirtiest biennal of São Paulo.
I was selected with other 11 designers for a one week workshop to design the basis of the identity that would be developed later by the designers of the biennale studio. The workshop was held by the curators of the biennale and the graphic designers André Stolarski, Armand Mevis, Daniel Trench, Elaine Ramos, Jair de Souza and Linda Van Deursen.

30th Biennal of São Paulo - The imminence of poetics


The imminence of poetics
The 30th São Paulo Biennal focus on poetic, on its relevance, mutation and migration.
But, most important, on the imminence of this poetic as an expression necessity, as the conversion of an individual and collective experience in something real.

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OS SENTIDOS DAS PALAVRAS (the meanings of words)

“[…] nonostante l’invasione delle immagini,
la nostra è più che mai una civiltà della scrittura.
In genere sembra sempre più difficile concepire
un sistema di immagini o di oggetti i cui
significati possano esistere fuori dal linguaggio:
[…] non c’è senso che non sia nominato,
e il mondo dei significati non è altro che quello
del linguaggio.”

Roland Barthes
Elementi di semiologia,
Einaudi, Torino, 1966

Linear connection in space and time
between meanings.

Unlinear connection between meanings.

Creation of new meanings.
The proposal is to explore language and the gap between linearity of writing and unlinearity of speech

The three levels of words:

to represent poetic as independent from space-time convention, creating new meanings for the 30th Biennal.

Incomprehension:  to generate groups of letters without meaning.

Miscoprehension:  to generate randmoly a number of new meanings not related to the Biennal.


Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Les mots en liberté futuristes, 1919
Mira Schendel, untitled, 1970.
Mira Schendel, untitled, 1972.

Alex Flemming, Série Sumaré, 1998.
Matt Sieber, The Untitled Project, 2002—2010.
Décio Pignatari, Torre de Babel, 1960.

The identity is composed by all the meanings that are inside itself, in all the languages that use the same alphabet.
After a five days workshop for the design of the 2012 São Paulo Biennal identity, The Biennal Foundation design team compiled all the proposals developed by the participants during the workshop and wrote down all the identity rules and gave them back asking for each of us to design a poster that would form the big group of official posters for the event.

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As the rules were very strict and almost algorithmic, my goal was to find a new meaning from their application, something that a machine couldn't make.

The whole is more than the sum of its parts
30th Biennal of São Paulo

30th Biennal of São Paulo

project for the identity of the 30th biennal of são paulo
