Typographic ID
Booklet containing personal design philosophy, self-expressive typographic monogram and relevant personal symbol. The concept was based around the notion of "gracefully naive".

Photos of the physical booklet will be posted soon.
I stumbled upon design by accident. I did not always find an interest in typefaces, letterforms, and well-designed objects.Until one morning I awoke and began to appreciate a well-designed logo orcharming vernacular typography and sneer at the cold, basic, corporateadvertisements that surrounded me. Ever since, I have gracefully tumbledthrough the design world, absorbing every snippet of inspiration, beauty, andinnovation I can uncover, so as to use these sources to create new andbeautiful things. I believe that good design reflects the honest intentions ofa naïve mind and the sophistication and grace of an old pro. I tumble my waythrough a project; my time management is poor, I change my concept severalhundred times, and never feel as though my final product is truly finished. Butthrough this process I learn about myself, I learn new techniques and betterways of thinking, and the outcome is put-together and a step above theprevious. Granted, I have a lot to learn; but it is through this process ofpure intentions and interest that I slowly find my way. My style of design isnaïve and pure, yet gracefully hides any hints of insecurity or displeasure.

I chose to incorporate the photography of Jacques Henri-Lartigue, both because he is a huge inspiration to me as a designer, and because I feel as though his photography is reflective of my design philosophy.

Many of Lartigue's most famous photographs were taken when he was a child, experimenting with a camera. The images are sophisticated, yet playful, and express the wonders of a child-like mind.
interior of booklet
exterior of booklet
typographic id

typographic id

Booklet containing personal design philosophy, self-expressive typographic monogram and relevant personal symbol.


Creative Fields