+ Brief

To define and develop an interdisciplinary concept that integrates typography and architecture in a harmonious way.

+ Approach

In completing the research, development and design of Typotecture I collaborated with architects and typographers. The structure of my process was in three phases: historical research and definition, structural research and development, style and identity. In the historical research and definition phase I’ve worked with the art director of Dwell Magazine Brendan Callahan. I’ve documented the connections between typography and architecture throughout history, and came up with a definition for Typotecture. In the structural research and development I’ve worked with OMA architect Paul Allen, to compare and contrast the connections between the principles of typography and architecture alongside creating a structure that uses typography as an architectural concept. In the third phase I’ve worked with Carolina de Bartolo, designer and the author of the book Explorations in Typography. I’ve developed on the visual identity of the concept in this phase.