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Akrimax Pharmaceuticals Brand Development

Akrimax Pharmaceuticals Brand Development
Finding a Voice That Is Not Only Heard--But Listened To
It wasn't enough that Akrimax Pharmaceuticals was a new company in an already crowded marketplace. But, it also was proposing an entirely different approach to the way pharma is done. So, finding a brand voice that not only could be heard above the roar of competitors, but that also conveyed this new approach to business in a way that generated confidence was a challenge to say the least. But, it was a welcomed challenge and one that was met with resounding success. (Work done through MicroMass Communications.)
This is the home page of the Akrimax website. It was written (by me) and designed (by a team of amazing designers) to deliver the company's "Made in America" story with warmth, insight and confidence.
Akrimax wanted a corporate capabilities brochure that provided details without sacrificing the simplicity of its very compelling brand story. That's what this piece delivers. This panel and the four that follow are excerpts from the brochure. To see the complete piece, email me at kmlashley@nc.rr.com and I'll send you the PDF.
The company wanted to promote its capacity to partner with clients in helping them get their high-potency drugs to market. So, this direct mail piece was developed specifically for that purpose. (See below for the copy on back.)
Akrimax Pharmaceuticals Brand Development

Akrimax Pharmaceuticals Brand Development

This work represents brand development for a new pharmaceutical company.


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