Role  Designer
Client  Adobe
Agency  Accordant
Site design for Accordant, a digital agency in Sydney.
This is a very clean, simple, single page site I designed for Accordant—a digital agency that is a business partner with Adobe.
It needed to be fully responsive and built in a short amount of time, so I decided to do a single column design. The navigation on desktop is anchored to the left and scrolls with the user. On mobile and tablet, it moves and snaps to the top.
It's currently still being built, but you can check it out here.
Example of the navigation on desktop. The nav is sticky and scrolls with the user as they scroll down the page—it also highlights what section they're on, which helps, seeing as it's a single page site.
Below are the tablet and mobile screens. I chose to remove the parallax images on mobile, as it makes the site far too long and busy.
Finally, below is what the mobile navigation looks like. It slides out from the left of the screen, which is something I've always wanted to do. Can tick that off the list now.
You can follow and keep up to date with my work on TwitterDribbble and
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Site design for Accordant, a digital agency in Sydney.
