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Hard Hat and Heels Logo Update

Hard Hats and Heels Logo and Business Card Design

This is a NEW client and this is the design and the logos I help create and get her concept and image out of her head. These are all the samples of what I produced for her and showing her that some ideas are good on paper but do not work and will not come across in the print format. In the business card size.

Sometimes when your client has an idea or concept and you try to make it work but you go through the process to show them that this concept is good idea and will not work.

You will see each logo that has a subtle design change with the type and how it effects the look and feel to it. Sometimes you can get the effect you want but when you shrink it down to a standard business card size it does not work.

Sometimes a standard business card size 3.5"x2" just does not work and you might have to rethink or think outside the box, this also makes your card and brand stand out even more. Plus picking the proper typeface aka font that makes it easy to read and works well with the companies brand identity.

The WHOLE concept was to get a bevel/embossed look to the type on the helmet logo and then on the companies name.

This is where you as a designer has to be able to take their idea and make it work and make it into a design. Sometimes it is "hard" to get the concept what they want. They have a visual picture in their head and not sure how to communicate it to you. This is the hard part of design and showing the client what it will look like. Plus then explaining to them how important a business card is. Besides all the information you need to put on the card, you have to also remind them that a business card is 2 things:
1) first impressions, if the card looks cheap then the client or consumer thinks your brand and your company is cheap. Plus you don't have to cram everything onto a business card with all the information about the company and what it offers. Usually simplicity is best. Plus business cards have 2 sides, use both sides so the type wont be under 10 point type and hard to read.
2) business cards can and should be tactile, this makes a longer and lasting impression on the client and the person you are handing them out to. This makes your company or you stand out more, gives a great impression. From a velvet feel to a foil emboss to a embossing effect that will have them touching it longer and looking them over, than just putting in their pocket or purse or wallet and it getting lost with all the other cards that they have acquired.
Hard Hat and Heels Logo Update


Hard Hat and Heels Logo Update
