Rebirth - Illustration & VR Animation

Can AI-generated images be used to create illustrations that are cohesive and belong to the same family of work? Our exploration for this project began with this question. 
R.E.B.I.R.T.H is an illustrated storybook that is put together by photobashing
750+ AI generated images. It tells the story of Konyak, a loving son living
in a dystopian universe where death is no longer a fear. 
A mix of image prompts as well as text prompts were used to achieve the desired generations. These were then photobashed in photoshop to create the scenes
of the illustrated storybook. 
This is a VR video demo of the climax scene from the story. Animated in
After Effects and exported in equirectangular format.
Rebirth - Illustration & VR Animation

Rebirth - Illustration & VR Animation
