CARO - Care Robot

a multifunctional controller for handicapped people

Kathi Tucho & Lukas Unterholzner
During an exchange semester at BAU International University Berlin I joined a course in Digital Product Design and Virtual Reality. We got introduced to microcontrollers, coding and electric circuits using various components, sensors and rapid prototyping techniques. The task of the final project was, to merge technology with empathy and create an assistance robot supporting handicapped people. Therefore, we should define a practical application and the needed soft- and hardware.
In the end, we proudly presented our working prototype.
Using the example of my mother, who lives with a very advanced stage of multiple sclerosis, we set ourselves the goal of increasing the degree of self-determination for people with locked-in syndrome. This includes the ability to communicate, to move around, to control light, temperature, shading and media. In addition to Arduino hard- and software, we used Processing to display and operate the interface. After studying the ergonomics of people in wheelchairs, first prototypes were built.
An interaction prototype for people with locked-in syndrome was developed to support a more self-determined life. Besides Arduino, Processing and a joystick, the base of an old IKEA lamp was used. With the joystick, which can be operated with the chin, a cursor is moved over an interface and a choice is made through pushing the stick. Large control buttons, a customisable joystick (3D printing) and the adjustable sensitivity of the cursor increase the usability
CARO - Care Robot

CARO - Care Robot

During an exchange semester at BAU International University Berlin I joined a course in Digital Product Design and Virtual Reality. We got introd Read More
