Christina Kornegay's profile

Army AL&T Magazine Redesign

A New AL&T
Army AL&T Magazine Redesign

 Army AL&T magazine is the Army Acquisition Executive's quarterly professional journal for the Army Acquisition Workforce. I started out as the junior member of a 2 person design team, working on production tasks, coordinating with writers and making content updates. Eventually the lead designer passed responsibility for the book over to me and I served as the primary designer from August 2008 - December 2011, during that time I was able to manage and execute an award winning full-scale redesign.

The redesign featured an increase in editorial rigor on the content side and the book went from an average of 89-100 pages to 140-180 for my first three issues. (Jan-Mar 2012 | July-Sept 2011 | Oct-Dec 2011) At such extensive length, the magazine had a book-like quality that demanded structure and clarity to make it easy to navigate. I created a system of icons to break the articles into departments and adopted a header for reference that added way-finding to the structure of every page.  Many elements enacted in this redesign are still in use by the team producing the publication 10 years later.

Before giving birth to two actual humans, I considered this project my baby. It took months complete, and once it was delivered I was so full of pride that I'd smile every time I caught a glance of it. This project still reminds me of how easy a love for your craft can make a mountain of work. 

Army AL&T Magazine Redesign

Army AL&T Magazine Redesign

Samples from the 2011 Magazine Redesign - Done as a Graphic Designer at BRTRC
