Ever imagined that all your thoughts and actions are driven by one single urge over which you have no control?
To the outside world, it can appear something of a joke, but Tourette’s is no laughing matter for those living with the syndrome. Sufferer’s lives are forever marred by the constant, uncontrollable urge to shout, swear and tic inappropriately. Tourette’s syndrome is a disorder that starts in childhood.
A tic is a sudden movement or sound that is repeated over and over. A tic has no purpose and, in general you cannot help doing it.
Tic’s Talk is a project where we encounter these uncontrollable urges and look through a different dimension life has to offer.Here we get to know about four tics that occur and may be widely misunderstood by the majority. It’s a strange world and people suffer from many unimaginable syndromes. So, how about we try and see this from their perspective? What’s their point of view? How do they perceive and handle the situation?
And, most importantly how they deal with us?
So, we become more tolerant. We give them space. We give them understanding. And let the tic’s talk.
My graduation project began with the basic understanding of the syndrome and stating it in a simple manner so it becomes easier for people to apprehend. 
The design process began with the research of the shorlisted tics and trying to break it into simple yet effective communication channel.To address the main issue at large, an identity was given to the project namely, “ Tic’s Talk” which talks about the subject the way a story is told. I have tried to infuse the vision of both the people affected by it and the society. Interactive layouts were further used which was in accordance with the type of tic being addressed.
Trichotillomania or “trich” as it is commonly known, is an impulse control disorder or form of self-injury characterized by the repeated urge to pull out scalp hair, eyelashes, facial hair, nose hair, pubic hair, eyebrows or other body hair, sometimes resulting in noticeable bald patches.
This collateral was based on the idea that as one flips through the page, the patch gets bigger. 
Repetition of other person’s activities is, to some extent, part of normal human behaviour. However, in some circumstances it becomes pathological and symptomatic of an underlying disease process.Palilalia is defined as the repetition of the speaker’s words or phrases, often for a varying number of repeats. 
It’s not a shadow game they are playing to annoy others. Repeating the same word or an action takes an emotional and physical troll on them.
Coprolalia is involuntary swearing or the involuntary utterance of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks.Involuntary outbursts, such as racial or ethnic slurs in the company of those most offended by such remarks, can be particularly embarrassing to the sufferer of coprolalia; the phrases do not necessarily reflect the thoughts or opinions of the person.
The most basic neccesities of life which we often take for granted means the world to them but also are a taboo.
It was not just a movie after all where at the end of the day you are rescued by a prince charming accompanied by a thunderous applause form the manequiens.
Oniomania is a compulsive desire to shop, more commonly referred to as compulsive shopping, compulsive buying, shopping addiction or shopaholism.addiction or shopaholism. People affected by it often experience moods of satisfaction when they are in the process of purchasing, which seems to give their life meaning while letting them forget about their sorrows. Once leaving the environment where the purchasing occurred, the feeling of a personal reward has already gone. To compensate, the addicted person goes shopping again.
The design was created with the objective to show the never ending cycle. It says-
When I shop,the world gets better,then it's not, and I need to shop again.
Behind the scene!
Tic's Talk