Here are some editorial illustrations I drew in 2023.
Illustration for Kiblind magazine# 82 under the theme of Monster. I create these monsters from the idea of verbal violence,so the basic shape of these monsters are speech bubbles. They come in many different shapes, and these shapes express a lot of different terrible online statements.
Editorial illustration for <The Youth>Magazine, AD:Tianke
Bookmark design for Kaleidoscope Book. I really enjoy drawing this reading black cats.
illo for DOE Shanghai, for them sent me this NIKE AIR MAX shoes 
I had the pleasure of creating an editorial illustration for <IDEAT> magazine, exploring the vibrant and dynamic design movement known as MEMPHIS. This artistic endeavor marked my inaugural attempt at completing a drawing using color pencils. Drawing inspiration from the influential Nathalie Du Pasquier, whose work is prominently featured in her book, <Don't Take These Drawings Seriously>, I aimed to emulate her distinctive style. MEMPHIS, as a design movement, is renowned for its bold use of geometric shapes, vivid colors, and eclectic patterns, reflecting a playful and unconventional aesthetic. Channeling the spirit of MEMPHIS through my illustration, I sought to capture its unique visual language and convey its lively and energetic essence in the pages of <IDEAT> magazine.
X Bear, my animation practice
Illos 2023

Illos 2023
