
Starting up as an online retailer, wildly popular among women, the true Korean clothing brand UTEAN, its logo design exploits the brand initial letter U and rotates it to form a floral pattern. This symbolizes that by wearing UTEAN, every girl can become eye-catching beauty and shine like a flower. Neat, fashionable typeface with soft colors present an image of sweet Korean female fashion and convey brand spirit of simplicity and self-confidence.
Client | UTEAN
Category | Fashion
Design Agency | Abingo Wang Design Affairs
Art Direction & Design | Abingo Wang

more works > abingowang.com

Project Made For


以網路購物起家,深受女性歡迎的人氣正韓服飾品牌UTEAN,在識別商標設計上,利用代表品牌字首的U字母旋轉組成花朵圖形,象徵穿上UTEAN,每個女孩都可以成為美麗焦點,就像花一般耀眼,並以時尚俐落的字體搭配粉嫩色系,呈現甜美流行的韓風女性形象,傳達簡單自信的品牌精神。 Starting u Read More


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