Voices: A Matching Game
Grapics III
Matching card game where the players diagnose, or match, the mental disorder to the affected circle in the opposite cards design.
An example of a match is with schizophrenia and the pink and blue circle fading to green and orange.  With schizophrenia, the person sees things that are not real, causing the person to question what is real and what is imaginary.
The cards are set up to be like a medical folder and are perferated for easy tear out and play. The extra piece on the back is attached to the front to create a pocket, to keep the cards safe and nice for another day.
I see this being in a doctors office for information and just a fun time waiting to go see the doctor. It can also be used to teach the hardships of people that are affected with mental disorders.


A matching card game where the players match a mental disorder to the way it effects the circle in the opposite cards design.
