Rachael Ashe's profile

Flight Path / Taking Flight Installation

In March 2014 I created a large scale installation for If Walls Could Talk at the Gladstone Hotel in Toronto, Ontario. The juried exhibition of experiential illustration featured the work of emerging and established artists, and was curated by Leila Courey.

Dates: March 6th to 30th, 2014
Location: Gladstone Hotel, Toronto
Materials: Card stock, wire, airplane cable.
Flight Path / Taking Flight Statement:
This ceiling mounted installation was created from 400 to 500 individual paper wings fitted together in clusters. The sculpture was inspired by the artist’s fascination with watching birds in flight, and the mystery and magic of their ability to move as one. Rachael explores the beauty of repetitive forms found in nature, and creates intricate and complex works through the simple process of paper cutting.
The artist assembling clusters of wings.
Installation in progress, starting with black wings.
The view of the artist from the topside of the installation.
The view of the completed installation, located in the second floor lobby of the Gladstone Hotel in Toronto.
Flight Path / Taking Flight Installation

Flight Path / Taking Flight Installation

A large scale paper installation made from hundreds of individual paper wings.
