Ifa Preis

An arresting visual identity helped the ifa Award reference its heritage while positioning itself for a global future. The new logo lockup, based on an existing trophy, was set against kaleidoscopic colours.

CHK was commissioned to create a brand-new visual identity to help raise the ifa Award’s international profile. The award is Germany's equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.
CHK based an impactful logo lockup design on the physical award trophy - an abstract ceramic sculpture inspired by a crumpled ball of paper.

Instead of having a set of fixed brand colours, CHK determined that each year the award would use a new spectrum. This referenced the concept that cultures - like the colours - are in constant flux and in dialogue with one another. 

In practice, this means that a consistent design language can be applied over forthcoming events while still allowing each event to have its own distinct identity.  

Ifa Preis

Ifa Preis
