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Seedtag Liz - Artificial intelligence
Seedtag Liz© for the leading contextual advertising company
A tool that, through AI and Machine Learning, is capable of understanding what is published on the web and in what context, in order to define where it is best to place what type of advertising content.
Seedtag LIZ© is a technology able to analyze and understand news articles and their content context, working through AI and Machine Learning, in order to find the best spot for the advertising, depending on its content. The objective was to quickly, efficiently, and visually show the quality and effectiveness of LIZ© in real time.

The main goal was to show, through a real-time data visualization, a global analysis of advertising content while exhibiting the impressive technological capacity of the tool to process the information on what’s going on all around the world. Within our strategy, we also worked on humanizing the technology. That’s why LIZ© starts introducing everything it can do, then moves on to a 3D view of the globe with a visual navigation through our world, and then, finally, goes into detail on some of the territories, showing a web of interconnected content, in where LIZ© can select an article and run the BRAND SAFETY analysis that will determine whether or not it is suitable for contextual advertising.

Strategy, Investigation, Digital Product.
This tool distinguishes when a potentially harmful topics present and detects he sentiments of the article, allowing to serving campaigns in content with negative sentiment.
By delivering ads within content, we maximize user attention.
LIZ© understands what your consumers are reading to deliver an all-powerful contextual approach.
We created a design system that shows the amount of data that LIZ© processes in real time, creating a system of components with all the variables and types of infographics of the data that LIZ© collects.
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Seedtag Liz - Artificial intelligence

Seedtag Liz - Artificial intelligence

