For this series, I used the English alphabet to document some of the significant things in my 4.5 years of stay in Hanoi, Vietnam (as I remember the Vietnamese alphabet has more As, Es, Os, Us and no F,J,W,Z).
From A-Z: Âu Cơ, bánh, cà phê, dứa/dừa/dưa muối/dđũa/dưa hấu, em ơi, flowers, gym, Hà Nội, IRRI Vietnam, Journals of Thích Nhất Hạnh, Karaoke, Lạc Long Quân, Mekong River Delta, nhà nghệ thuật, origami, Phim, quẩy, rượu, (hoa) sen, Tây Hồ, u ám, V-Pop, Water puppetry, xe máy, yêu, and Zodiac.
My Vietnam Life's ABC


My Vietnam Life's ABC
