Mymo is a brand new product line - combining any two letters or numbers into a novel 3-dimensional sculpture that can be produced as a necklace, keychain, or ceramic ornament. We created the entire brand and product – including a custom typeface designed specifically for 3D printing, a comprehensive visual identity system, a flexible brand strategy and brand story, custom photography, and e-commerce website.
The M in our logo icon is inspired by the impossible structures of MC Escher and the penrose triangle.
The website rethinks the e-commerce shopping paradigm - replacing the typical product/category/cart browsing experience with one tailored to the product. Customers can completely configure their Mymo right on the home page, including choosing their letter combination and picking a product and material.
A handpolished silver necklace combining the letters J and D.
A steel kaychain combining the letters N and Y.
A ceramic ornament combining the letters K and P.
More info on our site


Branding and product design for new line of 3D printed jewelry and housewares.
