SCD Creative Agency's profileMonica Gutierrez's profile


Melatta V-Gurt

Melatta es un emprendimiento que nace por el amor a la cocina de su dueña. Soñaba con crear productos distintos. Sabores que no encontraba en los supermercados. Productos naturales, deliciosos e indulgentes.

El lema de la marca es “spread the difference” y con este han llevado sus productos a otro nivel. Es una marca honesta e inclusiva. Alegre y empática. En un comienzo los productos se comercializaban en Colombia pero rápidamente comenzaron producción en Estados Unidos. Un mercado altamente competitivo y de gran diseño.

Primero lanzaron una línea de mermeladas y posteriormente desarrollaron su línea de Yogures Veganos, V-gurt. Yogures con distintas mezclas.
Querían diferenciarse a marcas tradicionales con unos diseños contundentes que transmitieran algo de Colombia. Que se sintiera su espíritu libre, transformador, alegre e inclusivo. Como referente usamos los colores de la naturaleza colombiana y del arte graffitero urbano. Quisimos hacer un diseño fuerte y alegre. Que llamara la atención al consumidor.

El público objetivo son personas jóvenes que buscan nuevos productos que les ofrecen algo especial. En este caso un producto vegano que se siente alejado a las grandes industrias alimienticias. Se desarrollaron 3 sabores: Mixed Berries en el que se usó e lcolor morado de fondo y de elementos gráficps se usaron figuras tipo paper cut. Con colores fuertes. Este lo acompañamos del tradicional cocodrilo que se encuentra en las siénagas de Colombia. Plan Unsweetened con color azul de fondo, con el uso de pájaros coloridos y Mango con flamingos. La línea complementa la línea tradicional de productos de mermeladas y da un toque modernos y único a este nuevo desarrollo.

Melatta is a company created to develop cheerful and colorful products. Her owner is a Chef that always dreamt to develop her signature products. New flavors with textures and colors. Products she imagined with healthy components and delicious flavors. Natural, rich and indulgent products. The brand's motto is "spread the difference" and with this they have taken their products to another level. It is an honest and inclusive brand. Cheerful and empathetic.

At the beginning, the products were marketed in Colombia but soon they began production in the United States. A big challenge because of its a highly competitive market not only in products but also in branding and design. Their first launch in this market was their line of Jams. This with product they understood the market and found a opportunity in the Vegan world. So they develop their Vegan Yogurt line, V-gurt. Yogurts with different mixes. They wanted to differentiate themselves from traditional brands with strong designs that convey something of Colombia. Let her free, transformative, joyful and inclusive spirit be felt.
As a reference we use the colors of Colombian nature and urban graffiti art. We wanted to make a strong and cheerful design. That will attract the attention of consumers.

The target audience is young people who are looking for new products that offer them something special. In this case, a vegan product that feels far from the big food industries. We developed three flavors: Mixed Berries Flavor in which the purple background color was used and paper cut figures were used for graphic elements. With strong colors. This is accompanied by the traditional crocodile found in the siénagas of Colombia. Unsweetened Flavor with blue background color, with the use of colorful birds and Mango Flavor with flamingos. The line complements the traditional line of jam products and gives a modern and unique touch to this new development.


