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Lavazza Qualità Rossa - Tutta l'Italia in un caffè

Lavazza Qualità Rossa, the most popular coffee in Italy, has turned 50. But if its unmistakable taste has always remained the same, Italy has changed a lot in recent years. And it keeps on changing.

We took a journey over these 50 years of change, listening to the voices of the protagonists of the new Italy. 

We created a song that is a declaration of love towards Italy, written and performed by some of the most famous voices of the new Italian music scene. Then we talked about new Italians in a five-episode TV branded content, interviewing a transgender cartoonist, a talented young rapper, a second-generation Italian director, the Italian women’s football team captain and a well-known singer-songwriter. We made them talk to fans during live streaming events, amplifying our message through their social profiles, an out of home, print, and digital campaign. We designed a dedicated website, set up point of sale activations and organized a contest whose prize was the Fiat 500 that traveled all over the country together with our guests.
We transformed the voices of the Italian change into a new anthem, celebrating Italy and its favorite coffee.
Campaign video case
"Nuove Strade" videoclip
"Nuove Strade" videoclip on YouTube
"Nuove Strade" song on Spotify
Sara Gama, the captain of the Italian women's football team, was the protagonist of the episode set in the city of Trieste
Josephine Yole Signorelli a.k.a. Fumettibrutti, transgender cartoonist, told us about her world in the episode set in the city of Catania
Phaim Bhuiyan, second generation Italian director and screenwriter, hosted us at his home in Rome
Madame, a young and talented rapper, took us around Bologna
Singer, composer, author and leader of Subsonica - one of the most important Italian bands of the last twenty years - has concluded our tour of Italy in the city of Turin
During live events, people were able to meet the hosts and guests of our TV show
The dedicated website showed every moment of the campaign and collected the contents created
The project was introduced by the key visual protagonist of the out of home and press campaign
Users were able to retrace the history of the product and the evolution of its iconic pack
All the episodes of the branded television content were collected on a section of the website
A section of the website presented the song "Nuove Strade", its video clip and the involved artists'  bios
Our tour around Italy and its 5 events were promoted and documented through live streaming and dedicated content
Our website also presented the product in all its formats, with a direct link to Lavazza e-commerce
Lavazza Qualità Rossa - Tutta l'Italia in un caffè

Lavazza Qualità Rossa - Tutta l'Italia in un caffè
